Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday November 15th

This post is a little silly but one that deserves recognition. Today Duane and I got motivated to do the list of 'we can do that later' things.... so here are some pictures of all we accomplished today!
Paper Towel Holder on the Pantry Wall
Paper Towel Holder by Kitchen Sink
Towel Hook in Our Master Bathroom

Door Knob on our Master Bath

Door Knob on the Girls Bedroom

Door Knob on Shilo's Bedroom

Door Knob on the Living Room Closet

Mirror Over the Love Seat

Mounted all 5 of our 'talking' fire alarms and got them working... absolutely hilarious, each one is programed for the room that it is in, so when one goes of they all start yelling! (for example)


And Last but not Least, we hung the Big Buck next to the Fireplace!

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