Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thanksgiving Side Notes

The week of Thanksgiving was somewhat of a comedy of errors for our family. The Thanksgiving turkey ordeal just added to our list:
While Duane was changing Shilo (in front of the window on the changing table) Shilo decided to flail her arms.... punching one of the panes of glass right out of the window and sent it flying to the ground. When it reached its destination it shattered into a million pieces. Thankfully none of the kids (or adults) were under the window when it happened. Boy was it scary!

Before we left for camp Calista and Lily were playing in the bathroom and when Lily went to run away from Calista she ran right into the knee wall outside the bathroom... with her face! She got an awful black eye which is still going away two weeks later. I took this picture the morning of the 28th, just before heading up to the hill to go sledding with everyone....

Lily took one run down the hill and was going so fast towards the trees she tried to turn and ended up bailing out instead! ON HER FACE! There wasn't a lot of snow and what was there was mostly ice. The ground and her face was pretty bloody by the time I got to the bottom of the hill. Poor Lily, she looked like she went a couple rounds with Mike Tyson! We nursed her back to health though with lots of hugs (thanks Jody and Jill!) and lots of lotion!

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