Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Apple Picking

On Sunday we went apple picking. Duane fought it big time at first... but he came around! It was actually his idea to check out Paradise Farm in Lyndeborough. Many years ago Chappell Farms cleared the hill for the owners and since then, they have planted more apple trees as well as cleared the land for other uses. This was the first year the farm opened for pick your own apples. We had a blast and we had the whole orchard to ourselves which was awesome! We had more fun chasing each other around and taking pictures than we did picking apples!

Pushing, Pulling and Dragging the apple cart up the hill!

Shilo enoying her apple!

Shilo after she dropped her apple!

Cali and Lily with their baby apples

All of Daddy's Girls!

The girls ran ahead of Duane and I and were swinging on the swing when we finally caught up!

Daddy and his girls

Calista, Shilo, and Daddy racing back to the carriage
Lily running down the big hill

To finish off the whole day turkeys were crossing the road just before Fitch's corner. It was perfect!

1 comment:

Steph said...

shilo has real teeth!? haha probably old news to everyone else but the first i've seen of them!