Thursday, October 23, 2008

Calista and Her Bike

I should have posted this a long time ago... Two weekends ago on Sunday Calista told Daddy that she wanted to learn how to ride her bike without training wheels. So Duane came in and got me outside to help. It wasn't unsuccessful, but I wouldn't call it successful either. She kept tipping over the minute we let go of her, but I'll give her this: she was a determined little bugger. The minute I picked her up from school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday she said "Mom when I get home I'm practicing how to ride my bike." And she did - every night until I called her inside for supper. This is her on Thursday:

She was so proud of herself, she came running in the house yelling "I can do it, I can do it!" Daddy was screening loam for our yard at the farm so we packed up the bikes and went down to show him. He was truly amazed. She rode around the dirt piles and over the bumps like she'd been doing it for years.

We're so proud of our big girl on her big girl bike!


bradshelley said...

Great job Callie!!!! Keep up the determination.


Steph said...

aww tell cali congrats for me!! i love that you have this blog, its so much better than only seeing them every 3 months! :) miss you all!